220 KV Interpanel Looping

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Following wiring is present in 220 KV Control Panel and Relay Panel:

  1. Internal Wiring: Wiring inside the Control Panel or the Relay Panel.
  2. External Wiring: Control Panel/Control Panel  Wiring with Equipments in the yard.
  3. Inter-panel Wiring:Wiring Between Relay Panel and Control Panel , Wiring Between Relap Panel and TBC Panel (If TBC Panel exists)                                                                               

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In this article, we are going to study, in detail, what is the Inter-Panel Looping between a 220 KV Control Panel and Relay Panel.

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TNC Switch Wiring:

As, we all know , TNC Switch is placed on the Control Panel and the Outgoing Wires to the Breaker are, placed in the Relay Panel, so the TNC Switch needs to be wired up, with the Relay Panel.

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Annciator Wiring:

As, we all know , Annunciator  is placed on the Control Panel and the Relays, that give the Annunciation Signal are, placed in the Relay Panel, so the Annunciator needs to be wired up, with the Relays in the Relay Panel.

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In order to find out how many Core Cable, is reqired for the Interpanel Looping between a 220 KV CP and RP, we will prepare a table as below:

SR No. Purpose Ferrule Number of Cores Remark
1 R Phase Trip to Breaker from TNC Sw K23 1
2 Y Phase Trip to Breaker from TNC Switch K25 1
3 B Phase Trip to Nreaker from TNC Switch K27 1
4 TNC Sw to Breaker- R Phase Trip 2 K53 1


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